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Do You Have A Facebook Account?



I completely agree with Maritza. Facebook is here to stay. Facebook has helped people communicate with family, friends and even strangers in a more efficient way. Since Facebook is very user friendly and its interface is clean and less chaotic than other social-network websites, anyone can sign up and interact with their loved ones in a safe environment. Facebook allows you to place different privacy settings on most of the information that you share through the website. On February of this year, Facebook reached over 400 million active users. Facebook is not only being used as a way to stay in contact with friends but also for advertisement, job search, to support a cause, to store pictures, entertainment, and endless reasons. Facebook became more popular when the Developer Platform was integrated and when the application for mobile devices was launched. And although Facebook receives a lot of criticism due to “internet predators” and teen bullying, Facebook is growing in popularity. These are just some interesting Statistics:

•400 Million active Users
•50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day

•More than 35 million users update their status each day

•More than 60 million status updates posted each day

•More than 3 billion photos are uploaded to the site each month

•More than 1.5 local businesses have active Pages on Facebook

•Average user
Has 130 friends on the site
Sends 8 friend requests per month
More than 55 minutes per day on facebook
Writes 25 comments on Facebook content each
•Facebook has more than 70 translations available on the site
•70% of FB users are outside the US
•Top 10 Countries
US, UK, Indonesia, Turkey, France, Italy, Canada, Philippines, Spain, Mexico

•More than 100 million active users currently access Facebook through their mobile phones

Nevertheless, we should be cautious and not let it replace our real life interactions to the point where it becomes addictive.



Anonymous said...

Out of many people i know, i have been using facebookk, the longest. I choose facebook over mysapce beacause there was more privacy on facebook and the content that could be displayed was controlled. However, i Realized as time passed by that more and more people started shifrting towards facebook and deserting my space statistic shows that in facebook took the united states and the world by serprise. in 2007 it was stated that Myspace's yearly revenue exceed 25 million whereas facebook was only around 8 million. prediction was made that this will change in the future as stated in this Blog:
However, these social networks as they are very useful for business purposes are also very addicting. they are time consuming, you wont know how minutes turn into hours when your socializing.

I did a survey at Georgia State University of 40 students and it showed that out of all those student 36 had facebook. so the questions to ask are how has facebook changed overtime, and how have these changes affected me? in what sense is this social utility useful and in waht sense not?

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Google Chart

Google Chart
FB Demographics 2009 (by Barron, Gil, Raza)

CIS 2010: Learning from News - Technology



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